San Antonio Community Resource Directory
Unity Sober Living (Business )

We provide a structured and safe environment for residents to help support and encourage recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

Unity House is a safe, sober environment for residents to learn to grow spiritually and make the necessary changes in their lives and daily routines.

12 Steps and Life Skills: Our common goal is to build a solid foundation of recovery and to practice the 12 steps and principles in our everyday lives.

Credit Recovery: We also provide seminars to educate residents on certain tools to help fast-track their credit scores and finances to a better standing.

Unity House is a safe, sober environment for residents to learn to grow spiritually and make the necessary changes in their lives and daily routines.

12 Steps and Life Skills: Our common goal is to build a solid foundation of recovery and to practice the 12 steps and principles in our everyday lives.

Credit Recovery: We also provide seminars to educate residents on certain tools to help fast-track their credit scores and finances to a better standing.

Updated within the last month